MARCH 1, 2010 - MARCH 5, 2010
Monday, March 1st:
Read “Stretching the Limits” (pages 446 - 447) and
“The Story of an Hour” (pages 449 - 452)
Irony Chart (page 449)
Vocabulary Chart (page 453)
Socratic Circle
Tuesday, March 2nd:
Not a shortened day!
Continue the Socratic Circle on “The Story of an Hour”
Please bring your WRITER’S CHOICE grammar book to class today. “Verbals and Verbal Phrases”: Chapter 12.3; pages 517 - 518; exercises 7 and 8 will be assigned today and will be due on Thursday, March 4th.
Wednesday, March 3rd:
Please bring your VOCABULARY WORKSHOP to class today; Unit 6 will be assigned and will be due on Tuesday, March 9th.
Read ‘The Revolt of Mother”, pages 467 - 479.
Vocabulary Study, pages 480 - 481
Thursday, March 4th:
Go over the grammar homework from Tuesday, “Verbals and Verbal Phrases”; pages 517 - 518; exercises 7 and 8.
Read “The Revolt of Mother”
Friday, March 5th:
Read “The Revolt of Mother”
Culminating Assignments for “The Revolt of Mother”
“From Barn to Home”; using the description of the new barn, imagine you are an architect and draw up a blueprint for turning the barn into a home.
Using quotations from Sarah, Nanny, Sammy and Adoniram, write a front page news story about the the revolt of the mother.