Tuesday, September 2nd:
Assign Vocabulary Workshop; Level F; Unit 2
Write out:
Definitions; pages 28 - 30
words; part of speech; definitions, brief phrase
1. Ameliorate (v.) to improve, make better, correct a flaw or shortcoming
A hot meal can ameliorate the discomforts of even the coldest day.
Completing the Sentence; pages 31 - 32
Just write the correct vocabulary word.
For extra credit, write out the sentence.
Synonyms; page 31
Write the phrase, underline the bold-faced word and then write the correct vocabulary synonym
1. a buttinksy at their reunion: interloper
Antonyms; page 31
Write the phrase, underline the bold-faced word and then write the correct vocabulary antonym
16. external to the whole plan: intrinsic
Choosing the Right Word; page 33
Just write the correct vocabulary word.
For extra credit, write out the sentence.
Speaking Up; page 34
Write the phrase, the letter and the correct word
1. The meaning of aplomb is the letter and the word.
This will be due on Friday, September 5th.
Due today:
The one paragraph definitions, and/explanations and significance of the following events, objects or people:
The Gulf of Tonkin
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The Geneva Accords
The Cold War
Ho Chi Minh
Phi Beta Kappa
Summa Cum Laude
We will share our findings today.
Wednesday, September 3rd:
Read and work on reading journal of The Things They Carried
Watch and take notes on the documentary "Dear America"
Thursday, September 4th:
Grammar Review:
Handouts on "Commas with Independent Clauses"
Finish for homework tonight, will be due on Monday, September
Read and work on reading journal of The Things They Carried
Friday, September 5th:
Vocabulary Unit 2 is due today
Read and work on reading journals for The Things They Carried