Sunday, November 15, 2009


Monday, November 16th:
Work on your essay for THE CRUCIBLE


1. Examine the use of situational and dramatic irony in Arthur Miller’s play THE CRUCIBLE and how this use contributes to the theme.


SITUATIONAL IRONY occurs when a scene in a play, movie, short story or novel does a 180 and ends in an unexpected way from what one would normally expect. Remember the literature you read in the 9th grade: ROMEO and JULIET; “The Necklace”, “The Sniper” and “The Cask of Amontillado” (which is filled more with dramatic and verbal irony than situational irony - we already know how the story is going to end).

DRAMATIC IRONY occurs when the audience or reader knows something that a character does not know. A good example of this occurs in ROMEO and JULIET when the audience knows that Juliet is not dead, but Romeo, gazing at her lying in the tomb and about to swallow the poison, doesn’t.

THEME is the message or idea that the author is exploring or conveying through the story. One way to determine the theme is by listing the adjectives to describe the main character(s); then list action words which show what the character does in the story; then a list of nouns which are the result of the actions and the characteristics of the characters.

Example: Hypocritical people who misuse the laws will bring misfortune and destruction on others.
Example: Avaricious (greedy) people who hide behind religion for immoral gain will destroy themselves and others.
Example: The gullible and weak will be used by the stronger for destructive purposes.
Example: Those who stand up to misguided or immoral authority will determine their own moral destiny.

These are just a few examples. You may wish to explore your own theories about what THE CRUCIBLE means.


2. Explore the use of foils in Arthur Miller’s THE CRUCIBLE. Explore how the use of diametrically opposed characters cast light on the characters and on the larger themes of the play.


FOILS: Two characters of contrasting qualities found in the same play. The author or playwright uses foils in order to reveal the characters and to explore themes. How better to see something dark than by setting something light next to it? The contrast better reveals things about both the dark and the light. This contrast can also lead to better understanding about the themes. How can we understand the nature of evil in isolation? It is easier to understand when shown next to that which is good. The most obvious foil in THE CRUCIBLE would be Abigail and Elizabeth.


3. Explore the differences between the events of the play and the actual events of the Salem Witch Trial. (This is worth 200 points because it will involve research.)

4. Explore the background surrounding Arthur Miller’s writing the play THE CRUCIBLE. This will also involve research about the 1950’s Red Scare, the Cold War, and Joe McCarthy. (This is worth 200 points because it will involve research.)

5. Explore the treatment of women in the play THE CRUCIBLE. Explore the “madonna vesus the whore” paradigm set up by Arthur Miller. The women were either saintly or “harlots.” How might the restrictions placed on women and young girls at the time cause some of them to act out? How did the witch trials empower those who were formerly powerless?

6. Explore the real life treatment of women during the Salem Witch Trials. What type of woman was called out as a witch? Why? (This is worth 200 points because it will involve research.)

7. Explore how class and social status affected the Salem Witch Trials. Who was prosecuted as a witch? What type of person was first accused? What happened when the accusations began to reach into the upper classes?

8. What social and religious factors gave rise to the harsh response to witchcraft?


Monday, November 16th:
Work on your essay for THE CRUCIBLE


1. Examine the use of situational and dramatic irony in Arthur Miller’s play THE CRUCIBLE and how this use contributes to the theme.


SITUATIONAL IRONY occurs when a scene in a play, movie, short story or novel does a 180 and ends in an unexpected way from what one would normally expect. Remember the literature you read in the 9th grade: ROMEO and JULIET; “The Necklace”, “The Sniper” and “The Cask of Amontillado” (which is filled more with dramatic and verbal irony than situational irony - we already know how the story is going to end).

DRAMATIC IRONY occurs when the audience or reader knows something that a character does not know. A good example of this occurs in ROMEO and JULIET when the audience knows that Juliet is not dead, but Romeo, gazing at her lying in the tomb and about to swallow the poison, doesn’t.

THEME is the message or idea that the author is exploring or conveying through the story. One way to determine the theme is by listing the adjectives to describe the main character(s); then list action words which show what the character does in the story; then a list of nouns which are the result of the actions and the characteristics of the characters.

Example: Hypocritical people who misuse the laws will bring misfortune and destruction on others.
Example: Avaricious (greedy) people who hide behind religion for immoral gain will destroy themselves and others.
Example: The gullible and weak will be used by the stronger for destructive purposes.
Example: Those who stand up to misguided or immoral authority will determine their own moral destiny.

These are just a few examples. You may wish to explore your own theories about what THE CRUCIBLE means.


Explore the use of foils in Arthur Miller’s THE CRUCIBLE. Explore how the use of diametrically opposed characters cast light on the characters and on the larger themes of the play.


FOILS: Two characters of contrasting qualities found in the same play. The author or playwright uses foils in order to reveal the characters and to explore themes. How better to see something dark than by setting something light next to it? The contrast better reveals things about both the dark and the light. This contrast can also lead to better understanding about the themes. How can we understand the nature of evil in isolation? It is easier to understand when shown next to that which is good. The most obvious foil in THE CRUCIBLE would be Abigail and Elizabeth.


Explore the differences between the events of the play and the actual events of the Salem Witch Trial. (This is worth 200 points because it will involve research.)

Explore the background surrounding Arthur Miller’s writing the play THE CRUCIBLE. This will also involve research about the 1950’s Red Scare, the Cold War, and Joe McCarthy. (This is worth 200 points because it will involve research.)

Explore the treatment of women in the play THE CRUCIBLE. Explore the “madonna vesus the whore” paradigm set up by Arthur Miller. The women were either saintly or “harlots.” How might the restrictions placed on women and young girls at the time cause some of them to act out? How did the witch trials empower those who were formerly powerless?

Explore the real life treatment of women during the Salem Witch Trials. What type of woman was called out as a witch? Why? (This is worth 200 points because it will involve research.)

Explore how class and social status affected the Salem Witch Trials. Who was prosecuted as a witch? What type of person was first accused? What happened when the accusations began to reach into the upper classes?

8. What social and religious factors gave rise to the harsh response to witchcraft?

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