Monday, May 04, 2015

May 4, 2015 - May 8, 2015 Weekly Schedule for Contemporary Composition

Monday, May 4th:

1st and 2nd Periods:

When you are writing your outstanding work, make sure you do the following:
1.     Write your name
2.     Write the class period
3.     Write the date the assignment was given (it’s on Engrade)
4.     Write page numbers of the assignment
5.     Write the title of the assignment as it appears on Engrade
6.     Write whether it is the In-Class Scaffolded Reading log or the Figurative Language Paper
This is due on Monday, May 4th, at midnight!!!!!!!! (11:59:59)

My e-mail address is

Tuesday, May 5th:

First Period and Second Period:

Passed out “Steps to the Letter of Intent” and “Letter of Intent”
Went over Purdue Owl and paraphrasing
Tomorrow, after breakfast in the classroom, go to the library

Friday, May 8th, the letter of intent is due.
The letter of intent must be in formal, business format.
The first paragraph(s) should be about yourself.
The next paragraph should be about your topic.
The next paragraph should be what draws you to this topic (why you want to do this topic.)
The next paragraph should be your approach to this topic.
The final paragraph should be about YOU ARE NOT  GOING TO PLAGIARISM!!!!!

There will be fifteen notecards, each worth twenty-five points.
You will need five bibliographic sources: two from a reputable internet source, one  
from a book and one from a reputable journal.
Use internet sources with the address ending in .edu, or .gov, or org.

Your research paper should not have more than ten (10) percent of original quotations. The sources should be, must be cited and paraphrased.

Valuable sources:

Wednesday, May 6th: 

1st and 2nd Period:
Go to the library for junior projects.

Thursday, May 7th: 

1st and 2nd Periods:
In library for instruction on work cited format

Friday, May 8th: 

Your letter of intent is due today!  

Friday, May 8th:
Today your letter of intent is due. It must be:
1.     Typed
2.     12 font
3.     1.5 spacing
4.     One and a half pages to two pages in length
5.     Must be in business letter format
6.     Must include information about yourself
7.     The subject you wish to research
8.     Why you are attracted to this subject
9.     A paragraph defining plagiarism, why it is unethical, the consequences of plagiarizing and a promise you will not plagiarize.

Note cards:
            The note cards must be in appropriate MLA format. If you are not sure how to do that, go to

            Fifteen note cards are required for this junior project.
            Each card is worth twenty-five points
            You must have at least three different types of sources:
                        Minimum of one from a reputable book
                        Minimum of one from a reputable journal
                        Minimum of two from a reputable internet source (edu., org, .gov)
                        You may also use documentaries
                        You may also use primary sources

Instead of writing the note cards on 5 by 8 note cards, please write them (or type them) on a sheet of paper. FOLLOW THE SAME FORMAT, BUT PLACE THEM ON A SHEET OF PAPER.  Please draw a box around each note card in order to differentiate each one. (Please be aware this is unconventional and most teachers and/or professors will insist you use index cards. Paper is just my eccentric preference.)

You may turn in your individual note cards as soon as you are finished with them. Please number them sequentially and date them; this is to help me keep track of them.

Due dates for the junior projects:

All note cards will be due:                 May 18th
Rough draft of research paper:           May 22nd
Final draft of research paper:              May 29th
Power Point:                                        May 27th:
Presentation with Power Point:           May 28th, May 29th, June 1st



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