Friday, February 27, 2009

MARCH 2nd - MARCH 6th
Weekly Schedule
Contemporary Composition

Monday, March 2nd:
Today we will go over last week’s grammar homework: WRITER’S CHOICE; “Subordinate Clauses”; 13.2; Exercises 2 and 3; pages 556 - 558. Remember, you cannot turn in late work after we go over the work in class.
WRITER’S CHOICE; Lesson 3.4; “Writing a Character Sketch”; pages 140 - 143. The assignment is to write a character sketch of someone you know. The sketch should be approximately five paragraphs. This assignment will be due on Wednesday, March 4th.
Read THE BLUEST EYE. Don’t forget to do your Cornell Notes.

Tuesday, March 3rd:
Shortened Day!
Today we will inaugurate a new way of learning vocabulary: Everyone will help to look up the vocabulary word and a rotating crew of two will be in charge of writing the vocabulary word and its definition on butcher paper.
Read THE BLUEST EYE. Dont forget to do your Cornell Notes.

Wednesday, March 4th:
Using your vocabulary words from Unit One, write five sentences with subordinate clauses.
Your character sketch is due today. Break into groups of four, exchange papers and peer edit. When you get your paper back, rewrite and turn in on Thursday, March 5th.
Read THE BLUEST EYE. Don’t forget to do your Cornell notes.

Thursday, March 5th:
Using your vocabulary words from Unit One, write five sentences with subordinate clauses.
Break into groups of five, choose five words from Unit One and prepare either: a song and dance with the words or a scene using the words. The songs and scenes must use the words, must show how the words are used and must convey the meaning of the words.
We will present these tomorrow.
Read THE BLUEST EYE. Don’t forget to do your Cornell notes.

Friday, March 6th:
Present your vocabulary words to the class.
Read THE BLUEST EYE. Don’t forget to do your Cornell notes.