Saturday, May 02, 2009


Monday, May 4th:
Go over Unit 3 in Vocabulary Workshop
Work on Research Project Letter which will be due on Tuesday, May 5th.
Please make this a formal letter addressed to me.
Please include the topic you would like to research.
Please write why you want to do this particular topic for your research paper.
List five questions about your topic you would like to find answers to.
Additional information can be found in THE WRITER’S CHOICE; page 329.

Tuesday, May 5th:
Shortened Day.
Present the Research Project Letter.
Begin research in books, journals, newspapers and the internet.
Record your quotations and information on notecards; the format for notecards can be found in WRITER’S CHOICE; page 328.

Wednesday, May 6th:
Vocabulary Unit 4 will be due today. Go over in class.
Continue working on the notecards.
The target number should be a minimum of fifty notecards.
Progressive check ups on work.

Thursday, May 7th:
Warmup: Write five sentences using words from the Unit 4 vocabulary with subordinate clauses.
Go over “The Unscrambling Adjective Clauses” handouts. This will be due on Tuesday, May 12th.
Continue working on the notecards.

Friday, May 8th:
Warmup: Write five more sentences using words from the Unit 4 vocabulary with subordinate clauses.
Turn in notecards for grade.