Saturday, August 16, 2014


Creating a Chart

Create a chart of each character and the things he carried in his backpack.



What do the contents of Kiowa's backpack reveal about him?

Creating Characters by the Things They Carry

Writing Assignment:

Create three characters by describing the contents of their purse, their back pack, their brief case. Each character should have at least one paragraph and the contents of her/his purse, back pack or brief case should be specific and illustrative of that character. Surprises are always welcome.

The students bring in their own purses, backpacks, brief cases and describe the items and the significance of the contents.

August 18, 2014 - August 22, 2014 American Literature

Monday, August 18th:
Pass out and go over the class syllabus
Briefly review the vocabulary assignment, Unit 1, due Tuesday, August 19th
Read Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried
For first period: change the item that the men carry and discuss how that changes the personality of the character.  For example: What if Kiowa carried a koran rather than a bible?
Construct a chart with each character's name and the things he carried.

Tuesday, August 19th:
Collect Vocabulary Workshop: Level F, Unit 1
Continue reading The Things They Carried
Homework Assignment:
Create three characters, describe who and what they are by what they are carrying in their purse, their backpack or their briefcase.  This will be due on Thursday, August 21st.

Wednesday, August 20th:
Continue reading The Things They Carried
Continue with dialectical journals
Speakers from CTG regarding internships

Thursday, August 21st:
Assign Creative Writing:
Create three characters, describe who and what they are by what they are carrying in their purse, their backpack or their briefcase.  This will be due on Monday, August 25th.
Read The Things They Carried 

Friday, August 22nd:
Go over Unit One Vocabulary
Show dvd "Dear America: Letters from Vietnam"
Continue reading