Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014 - November 14, 2014

Monday, November 10th:

Share with your partner what you know or think about emoticons.
Draw an emoticon to express what you are feeling right now.
Addled: mentally confused
To addle: to confuse
Share with your partner what the phrase “emoticon-addled” might mean.
People put emoticons to express what they are feeling but they’re not really feeling that at all.
Kamron: When people put “LOL” when they don’t mean it at all. They’re actually being serious.
With your partner illustrate the phrase “emoticon-addled zombie”. Share with other students and discuss what each illustration shows.

Before reading the text, “Teenagers  and Social Networking – It Might Actually Be Good for Them”, number the paragraphs.  Then read the first four paragraphs.

Bemoan: to express sorry or discontent or sorrowful lament over a situation.
Empathy: the capacity to share or recognize emotions experienced by another sentient being or human.
Sympathy: feelings of compassion or sorrow for another person’s misfortune.
Hedonistic: following a life or philosophy devoted only to sensual or physical pleasure.
Titillating: Adjective. Describing something that emotionally or physically excites or that tempts or creates anticipation.
Apocalyptic: Adjective. End of times. Complete and utter destruction after which there is nothing that remains.

After reading the first four paragraphs, reread the fourth paragraph.  Now write a caption for your “emoticon-addled zombie”. Using words from the fourth paragraph, write a six to ten word caption for your illustration.

2nd Period:
Show the dvd of Joseph, Chuy, Pamela, Cat, Ivette, Davion, Maci
Assigned and went over grammar; “Main Clauses” and “Subordinate Clauses”; pages 535 – 537; exercises 1, 2, and 3.  This is due Wednesday, November 12th.
Rest of kids did not present due to excessive absences.
Went over play format with Tyler.

Tuesday, November 11th: 

No school!

Wednesday, November 12th: 

Period 1: 
Unit Four Vocabulary is due today. 
WRITER'S CHOICE; pages 535 - 537; exercises 1, 2, and 3 will be due today.
Continue working on ELA Assessment.

Continue reading the article, “Teenagers and Social Networking – It Might Actually Be Good for Them.” Feel free to annotate your paper. Underline the sentence you think is the thesis statement and mark it with “t.s.”(thesis statement). Underline or highlight those sentences that are used as evidence to support the author’s thesis statement. Circle those words or concepts you don’t know or understand and put a question mark next to them.

Read aloud up to paragraph 9.
Cherry-picking: to select specific examples to prove one’s point, intentionally excluding much better and many more examples which disprove one’s point.
Ambivalent: to have conflicting contradictory feelings about something
Fretted: to be worried about something.

The first four paragraphs set up the central question: Do teenagers text so much that it will hurt their social development and society?

In the paragraphs following (the fifth paragraph on) the author, Clive Thompson, answers his thesis statement with evidence that social media do not adversely affect teenagers.

 Period 2: 
Unit Four Vocabulary is due today. 
WRITER'S CHOICE; pages 535 - 537; exercises 1, 2, and 3 will be due today. 
Show the culminating projects on THE THINGS THEY CARRIED 

Thursday, November 13th: 

Period 1: 
Continue working on the ELA Assessment. 

Period 2: 
Start working on the ELA Assessment. 

Friday, November 14th: 

Period 1: 
Continue working on the ELA Assessment

Period 2: 
Continue  working on the ELA Assessment. 

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